Crescent City Crossfit – CrossFit
Warm Up
400m Run/1000m Bike/500m Row
50FT Cossacks
50FT Duck Walks
50FT High Knees
50FT Leg Kicks
50FT Lunge+Lunge+Air Squat
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions
10 Up and Overs
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges
10 No Push-Up Burpees
With Empty Bar:
6 Good Mornings
6 Bent Over Rows
6 Deadlifts (With Prescribed Tempo!!!)
18min TIME CAP
Deadlift (5×3)
2sec Pause at the Knee on Ascent– EVERY REP
KEEP IT LIGHT — 55/60%
15min TIME CAP
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
400m Run/500m Row/1000m Bike/500m Ski
40 SA DB Shoulder to Overhead (50/35#)
30 Front Squats (135/95#)
20 Burpees