Crescent City Crossfit – CrossFit
Warm Up
4 Rounds of 20 Sec on/10 Sec off onANY Machine
2 Rounds:
10 Tempo Goblet Squats (3 sec lower)
10 KB Plank Pull Throughs
10 Glute Bridges (Hold KB Overhead)
10 Bird Dogs
5 Up Dog to Down Dog
W/ Empty Bar
5 Bent Over Rows
5 Deadlifts
*Start Adding Weight For Deadlifts*
20min TIME CAP
Deadlift (6×2)
Suggested % = 80, 80, 85, 90, 92.5, 95
Rest 1-2min in Between Sets
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
Every 3min for 12min:
14/10 Calorie Bike
60 Double Unders
Scale Reps as Needed for 1min of Rest
80Single Unders
Score is Split Time For Each Round