“Deadly Dozen Fitness Test” Workout Saturday, February 15th at 8 and 9:30 AM. Modifications/Scaling Options Available. (No 8 AM open gym that day). Check Social Media post for workout details!
Crescent City Community Fitness – HYROX Endure
Warm Up
40 Sec on/15 Sec Off:
-Jump Rope (Singles)
-Banded Pull Aparts
-Jump Rope
-Banded Strict Press
-Jump Rope
-Glute Bridges
Sled Push: Down/Back 1-2 Laps
Warm up Push Press/Step Overs
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
1 Mile Run
Double DB Box Step Overs (24/20″) (35/25#’s)
DB Push Press (35/25#’s)
*Accumulate 500 ft HEAVY sled push throughout
50 Min Time Cap
Perform sled push at any time throughout the workout/break it up however you want, should feel heavy
1 Mile Subs: 2,000 Meter Row/4,000 Meter Bike