“Deadly Dozen Fitness Test” Workout Saturday, February 15th at 8 and 9:30 AM. Modifications/Scaling Options Available. (No 8 AM open gym that day). Check Social Media post for workout details!
Crescent City Community Fitness – HYROX Build
Warm Up
2 Min Machine (1 min easy, 1 min moderate pace)
10 Glute Bridges
10 Scorpions (5 ea)
10 Plank to Down Dog
10 Squat Rotations (5 ea side)
10 Boot Strappers
Headcutter warm up:
5 KB Deadlifts
5 KB Cleans
5 KB Goblet Squats
5 KB Press
3 Headcutters
Hyrox Interval Day (8 Rounds for time)
8 x 2:00 Min AMRAP:
200 Meter Row/Ski or 400 M Bike
Max Headcutters in remaining time
-Rest 1 Min –
Suggested KB weights:
Pro (70/53#) and 250 M Row/Ski
Open (53/35#)
Fitness (35/26#)
-Should be sprinting on the machine get in as many headcutters as possible
-Aim for 1 min work on machine, 1 min of headcutters
Score is headcutter reps for each round, put weight in comments
Cool Down
:30 Sec Pigeon Pose Right
:30 Sec Pigeon Pose Left
:30 Sec Seated Hamstring stretch R
:30 Sec seated hamstring stretch L
:30 Sec Standing Quad Stretch R
:30 Sec Standing Quad Stretch L
:30 Sec Calf stretch on Rig Right
:30 Sec calf stretch on right left