Crescent City Crossfit – Functional Fitness
Warm Up
2min Bike
15 PVC Passthroughs
15 PVC Overhead Squats
15 PVC Good Mornings
15 PVC Toe Touches to Overhead Presses
10L/10R PVC Around the Worlds
10L/10R PVC Elbow Rotations
8L/8R World’s Greatest Stretch
10 Cat Camels
8L/8R Bird Dogs
8L/8R Groiners
Go Over Hang DB Snatch Progression w/Coach
The Day After Christmas (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
16min AMRAP:
12 Calorie Bike
20 Alt Hang DB Snatches (50/35#)
10 No Push-Up Burpees Over DB
Scale Weight on DB as Needed
Modify Burpees as Needed
Metcon (No Measure)
3-4 Sets for Quality:
8L/8R Bulgarian Split Squats
30-45sec Overhead Hold (With Barbell)
Bulgarian Split Squats Weighted Optional
Choose Weight on Overhead Hold