Crescent City Community Fitness – HYROX Endure
Warm Up
200 Meter Run
10/10 FWD/BWD Leg Swings
10/10 Side to Side Leg Swings
10 Alt Spiderman Reaches
10 Walking Inchworm with Push up
10 Walking Samson Lunges
20 Calf Raises
20 Alt Toe Taps to Wallball
10 Bearhug Wallball Squats
10 Wallball Push Press
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
1000 Meter Run
2 Rounds:
30 Air Squats
20 Burpees
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
1000 Meter Run
2 Rounds:
30 Walking Lunges
20 Wallballs
10 Wallballs (Arm Only Throw)
1000 Meter Run
Goal: 40 Min
Time Cap: 50 Min
-Race weight for wallballs
-Scale Burpees to Box Burpees and Burpee Broad Jumps to Regular Burpees
-Lunges are non weighted
-Scale Run distance or choose machine
-1000 Meter Run = (1250m/1000 Meter Row or Ski), (2000 Meter C2 Bike), (75/50 Cal Assault Bike)