Crescent City Crossfit – CrossFit
Jamo and Lilly (Partner WOD) (Time)
Buy in:
100 Pull-ups
800 Meter Run
80 KB Swings (70/53#)
600 Meter Run
60 Goblet Squats (70/53#)
400 Meter Run
40 Toes to Bar
200 Meter Run
20 Push Ups
Cash Out: 200 Ab mat sit ups
Scaling Options:
-Banded/Jumping Pull Ups or Ring Rows
-Scale Weight on KB as needed
-Scale Toes to Bar to Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups
-Can Sub row (1000m/750m/500m/250m) or C2 Bike (1600m/1200m/800m/400m) for Run