Crescent City Community Fitness – HYROX Endure
Hyrox WOD (Distance)
Every 4 Min for 10 Rounds:
*Alternate between A and B
A: AMRAP of 100 Meter Runs
B: AMRAP of:
-10 KB/DB Push Press
-8 Box Jumps 24/20″
Pro: 50/35#’s
Open: 35#/25#’s
Fitness: Choose weights and modify box height as needed
Workout will alternate movements on a 4 minute clock
-Part A: Try to get as many 100 Meter runs in as possible in 4 minutes
-Part B: will perform max reps in AMRAP for 4 minutes
Score for Part A: Total Run Distance
Score for Part B: Reps (See next section)
Scoring for Part B is total REPS (AMRAP – Reps)
B: AMRAP of:
-10 KB/DB Push Press
-8 Box Jumps 24/20″