Crescent City Crossfit – HYROX Endure
Workout Notes
This workout is divided into four 10-minute zones with 2-minute work and 30-second rest intervals, repeated four times per zone. Zones include sled push, mountain climbers, push ups, sandbag squat cleans, lateral burpees, ski, heavy DB walking lunges, rowing, and wallballs.
warm up
5 rounds: 45 Seconds Work/20 Seconds Rest
Ski Erg
Hollow Body Leg Raise
DB Goblet Sumo Squat
DB Alternating Lunge/Twist
Rep/Interval Scheme: 2min Work/30s Rest, 16 Rounds (40 Min) (Checkmark)
2 Min Work/ 30 Seconds Rest (16 Rounds Total):
Zone 1:
Max Distance Underhand Sled Push
Zone 2:
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Push Ups
Zone 3:
10 Sandbag Squat Cleans
10 Lateral Burpees over Bag
Zone 4:
20 DB Walking Lunges (Heavy)
0:20 Sec Rest after every 20 reps
Zone 5:
Max Meter Row
Zone 6:
Max Rep Wallballs
Each Zone = 10 Min: 2 Min work, 30 seconds Rest x 4. 4th Rest is the transition to the next zone. Alternate stations every 2 minutes, completing each station twice before moving on to the next zone. Each station should be at an RPE of 7-8/10.