“Deadly Dozen Fitness Test” Workout Saturday, February 15th at 8 and 9:30 AM. Modifications/Scaling Options Available. (No 8 AM open gym that day). Check Social Media post for workout details!
Crescent City Crossfit – HYROX Build
Warm Up
40 Seconds work/15 Seconds rest:
-Inchworm with Push Up
-Push Up to Down Dog
-Banded Lat pull down (straight arm
Hyrox Strength Part A (Checkmark)
4 Sets:
20 Goblet Squats
15 DB Bench Press
Max Reps Chin Ups
30 Second Max Calorie Bike Sprint
-90 Second Rest between Sets-
-This is for quality, choose weights that you can perform UB reps
-Choose a moderately heavy weight and try to increase weight throughout if possible
-Use bands or RR for chin ups
Hyrox Strength Part B (Checkmark)
4 Sets:
10 Split Squats each leg
15 Seated DB Shoulder press
12 DB Curls each arm
200m Carry*
(100 meter Front Rack/100 Meter Farmer Carry)
-90 Sec Rest between sets-
Perform split squats non weighted if needed or perform without rear foot elevated on bench