Gym will be CLOSED Saturday and Sunday 2/22 and 2/23 to host a course
Crescent City Community Fitness – HYROX Build
Warm Up
*Grab box and barbell before warm up
600 Meter Bike
12 Box Step Ups
12 Scap Push Ups
6 Inchworms with Push Up
6 Good Mornings
6 Barbell RDLs
*Find starting weight for lunges and RDL’s, set up rigs or grab bands for pull ups
Hyrox Strength (Checkmark)
3 Sets:
10 each leg Front Rack Walking Lunges (2-KB or DB’s)
8 Barbell RDL’s
6 Tall Box Jumps
4 -8 Strict Pull Ups OR Ring Rows
-2 Min Rest between sets-
22 min time cap
-Can build in weight with lunges or stay at the same weight throughout, but should be challenging
-RDL’s- choose moderately heavy weight to perform with quality
-Choose a tall box or stack plates (step down, no rebounding)
3 Minute rest to put away equipment and grab KB’s
Grip Strength EMOM (Checkmark)
8 Min EMOM:
Min 1: Max Distance Farmer’s Carry (Inside)
Min 2: Max Hang from Pull Up Bar
-Choose weight on FC
-Sub Max Plank Hold for Hang