Crescent City Community Fitness – HYROX Build
Warm Up
2 Min Row or Ski
2 Rounds:
10 Plate Hops
10 Plate Ground to overhead
10 Plate Squats
10 Banded Pass Throughs
10 Banded Pull Aparts
Core Work (Checkmark)
4 Sets:
-100 FT KB Carry Mixed Grip
-40 Seconds Max reps Russian Twists
Perform before interval workout as a primer
Review DB Snatch and Wallball Technique
Hyrox Interval Day (4 Rounds for reps)
4 x 4 Minute AMRAP:
400 Meter Ski or Row
12 Alt DB Snatch
Max Wallballs in remaining time
-1 Min Rest-
-Race weight for wall balls
-DB snatches should be UB
-Score is wallballs