“Deadly Dozen Fitness Test” Workout Saturday, February 15th at 8 and 9:30 AM. Modifications/Scaling Options Available. (No 8 AM open gym that day). Check Social Media post for workout details!
Crescent City Crossfit – HYROX Build
Warm Up
2 Min Machine (1 min easy, 1 min moderate pace)
10 Glute Bridges
10 Scorpions (5 ea)
10 Plank to Down Dog
10 Squat Rotations (5 ea side)
10 Boot Strappers
30 Sec Machine sprint
Headcutter warm up:
5 KB Deadlifts
5 KB Cleans
5 KB Goblet Squats
5 KB Press
3 Headcutters
Hyrox Interval (Time)
2:00 Min Work/ 1:00 Min Rest:
250 Meter Row/Ski or 500 M Bike
Max Headcutters in remaining time
*Continue until 60 Headcutters are completed
Suggested KB weights:
Pro (70/53#)
Open (53/35#)
Beginner (35/26#)
-Should be sprinting on the machine get in as many headcutters as possible
-Workout ends once you have completed 60 headcutters
22 Min Time cap
Cool Down
3-5 Min of Coach’s choice of: core, easy machine, or stretching/mobility!