Crescent City Crossfit – Functional Fitness
Warm Up
90 Second Row
12 PVC Pass Throughs
12 PVC Around the Worlds
12 PVC Good Mornings
12 PVC Overhead Squats
90 Second Row
10 Scap Pull-Ups
8 Kip Swings
6 Hanging Knee Raises
4 Kipping Straight Leg Raises
With Empty Bar:
6L/6R Front Rack Elbow Rotation
10 Behind the Neck Elbow Rotation (At the Same Time)
6 Front Squats w/2sec Pause
Workout Primer:
4/3 Calorie Row
5 Barbell Front Squats (First Workout Weight)
2-4 Toes to Bar or Modification
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Rounds)
20/14 Calorie Row +
R1: 21 Front Squats (95/65#)
R2: 20 Toes to Bar
R3: 18 Front Squats (115/75#)
R4: 20 Toes to Bar
R5: 15 Front Squats (125/85#)
Modify TTB as Needed – Sit-Ups, Lying Toes to Rig, Hanging Knee Raises
Scale Weight on Bar as Needed
Bench Press (5×6)
Post Workout Strength
Keep It Light