Crescent City Crossfit – HYROX Endure
Warm Up (Continued)
3 Min Machine or 3 Min Run
2 Rounds:
5 Push ups
10 Strict Pull Ups or Ring Rows
15 Air Squats
*Review of Sled Push Technique and load 3 sleds up
-No Rest between Metcons
-Have Athletes start of different Metcons to spread out sled use
Part 1 (Time)
3 Rounds:
30/20 Cal Assault Bike
100 ft Sled Push
8 Wall Walks or 16 Burpees
400 Meter Run or 500 Meter Row
No rest between metcons
Part 2 (Time)
3 Rounds:
30/20 Cal Row or Ski
20 Double KB Deadlift
100 Meter Farmer Carry
25 Wall Balls
Pro: 70/53#
Open: 53#/35#
-Use same weight for KB DL and FC
-Sled Push As Heavy As Possible
-Scale to 4 Wall Walks
-60 Min Time Cap (Scale: 45 Min Time Cap)