Crescent City Crossfit – Functional Fitness
warm up
2 Min Bike
2 Rounds:
8 Banded Pass Throughs
8 Banded Pull Aparts
8 Banded Strict Press
8 Boot Strappers
8 Cossack Lunges (4 ea)
8 Prisoner Squats
Hang Clean and Jerk Warm up
5 Reps Power Position
5 Reps Power Position to Shrug
5 Reps Power Position to High Pull
5 Reps Power Position to Power Clean
5 Reps Power Position to Hang Position
5 Reps Hang Clean Pull
5 Reps Hang Power Clean
5 Reps Strict Press
5 Reps Dip with 5 Sec Hold in Dip
5 Reps Push Press
5 Reps Push Jerk with 5 Sec hold in Receiving position
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5x3min AMRAPs:
15 Hang Clean and Jerks (95#/65#)
50 Double Unders
MAX Calorie Bike
-Rest 2:00-
Rx+: 125#/85#
Scaling options: Reduce load on barbell
2:1 Doubles to Singles
Metcon (No Measure)
3-4 Sets for Quality:
15 Close Grip DB Bench Press
10 Seated Tricep Extensions